a lot has happened in the six or so months since my last post (and, i admit, republished-comic-as-blog-post is weak. even if the comic itself spoke to me on a deep personal level. so maybe let's say the seven or so months since my last post). what are these lots of things, you ask? let's see...
::time-travel-indicating squiggly lines::
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
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::/time-travel-indicating squiggly lines::
- i got hit by a car
some official vehicle made a right hand turn into where i was riding my bike. neither i nor my bike was badly hurt, but mom replaced my helmet just in case. bastard never sent me his insurance info. - i quit my job
no more soul-sucking no-appreciation advertising work for me! i'm entering the wonderful world of student loan debt. living off of loans entirely, until i hopefully find the elusive paid internship this summer, and then again until i hopefully acquire the even more elusive google summer internship next summer2, i will soon be a master of computer science. - i started school
see above. - election 2008
... continued. granted, i hadn't really said much, or anything, about it. but according to jon stewart, the gloves came off last january. then they came off this january. how many pairs of gloves are hillary and barack wearing, exactly? i'm so ready for this primary season to be over. - writers' strike
proving that reality television can hold the networks over for quite a long time. and that jon stewart and stephen colbert aren't half bad at ad-libbing. - BAND CAMP!
in which a bunch of dirty queer anarchist punks go up to maine for an extended weekend of lounging around in the woods by a lake. then we go to the beehive collective where we explode from all the mutual crushes, and from the awesome power of the megaflute. - lots more biking
including a 95-mile century3, getting lost in queens at least 3 times, riding into a whole nother state (jersey!), riding around in a whole nother city (philly!), and getting 5th girl at cranksgiving, my second real alleycat. resulting in losing so much weight i started to wonder if i eat enough4. - a wedding on the beach
not my wedding, silly! my cousin sarah. there was even a rainbow. - a wedding on a ranch
still not my wedding. stop that. this was my cousin annelisa. it even had barbecue, and flashy-light wine glasses. and i wore my cowboy boots. and at least 3 people brought up my wedding and when will that happen and what will it be like and blah blah blah, which is just so much fun when you're single and 25. - everyone took their links to my blog off of their blogs
well, everyone who still blogs. i'ma have to send this out to them special delivery.
that's it for now! maybe i'll explain the above picture next week! who knows?
1. read: if i don't just forget this grand plan a week from now. this plan is about one post per week, starting with this one.
2. any help you, dear reader, can give me in this endeavor will be much appreciated.
3. i invented the 95-mile century, biotch.
4. don't worry, i'm right smack in the middle of the healthy BMI range.
welcome back to the wonderful land of blogging.....