A bunch of medieval people just threw a dude into the water.
Its Ed Brantley of 60 Minutes! And some 90's-tastic generic hopeful music!
"... and, what is this service called jury duty anyway?"
"The romans threw out [the idea of the jury] and substituted it with judges and [something]..." [picture of Jesus!] Nothing like religious guilt to make people want to serve on jury duty. Especially that Hasid next to me--that Jesus thing will really get him into it.
Now it's Dianne Sawyer! I bet the South Dakota court doesn't have this kind of star power for their jury duty video.
And now for a who's-who of the courtroom, featuring "the opposite of the stereotypical person for each job!":
- the black female judge!
- the white male stenographer!
- the racially ambiguous cops!
- the black dude and white woman lawyers (hey, it's just like the democratic primary!)
"If you are excused during [jury selection] it is in no way a reflection on your intelligence or integrity." ... Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to dismiss the really smart people.
Woah. it's a dude with that shaved-on-the-bottom, ponytail-on-the-top haircut from middle school.
yay for jury duty! But to where has our correspondent disappeared? (Maybe she's stuck on an actual jury).