
well it's a damn good thing i went to the naked school

i've done a couple of dumb things lately, so i figured i ought to share them with the world so we can all laugh at and learn from my mistakes...

lesson 1: don't wear a white built-in bra tank top to hot yoga.
fortunately, the whole idea is to focus on yourself, so i can only assume the other people there were not focusing on me. and hopefully the teacher didn't notice...?

lesson 2: don't cut duct tape with a straight razor against thin air (instead of, say, a cutting board or something).
so, at my office there are always razor blades lying around, being handy for opening boxes and... um... cutting tape, i guess. well, for cutting anything and everything, actually, even tho there are a couple pairs of scissors around too. but the razors are just so convenient... so, i was using one to cut little strips of duct tape before i peeled it away. until i noticed it was cutting through more than one layer of the tape, and i didn't need that many strips. so then i started peeling before cutting, and sure enough, same thing, only this time the second layer through which i cut was my finger. ouch. then there were no band-aids big enough (don't worry, that's only because the only band-aids there were were those tiny little ones for paper-cuts and nelly's cheek, not because the cut was massive), so i wrapped it in gauze and taped it up. made typing pretty difficult.

lesson 3: don't forget about voter fraud just because it's november 3rd.
air america radio keeps talking about ohio, and that recount nader's trying to get. indymedia.us is covering this too. but remember 2000's ohio? what was it called again? oh yeah--florida. and there are problems there this year, too. not that i ever really thought there wouldn't be. and as the article's author says, the chances of an actual change in the official election result are slim. i'll just have to find solace in the fact that kerry wouldn't have been that much different. well, john kerry wouldn't have. a certain other kerry would have been *amazing*, especially if she appointed me veep or something. i watch the west wing, i know how to run a country =D

1 comment:

  1. Werd,
    In terms of voter fraud, reports of Kerry winning Ohio are greatly exagerrated.
    Diebold machines were NOT IN OHIO. Just so everyone knows. I think Bush may have just kicked our arse.
