Contrary to popular (or maybe not that popular, depending who was online when and such... I've lost track...) belief, I will be in NYC for the RNC this weekend. Woot! Because the Kerry Campaign is too cool for me, apparently. Hey, that rhymes...
Anyhoo, here's my schedule, or as much as I know:
Thursday arrive in NYC and schmooze with alums from Wes, and also some from such far away places as Yale. Should be networking-tastic, or at least have good food. I'll be in the NJ with the KP
Friday um... not sure... but maybe see a friend from high school. I should really call her...
Saturday move to BSom's; general state-smashing and strike-blowing.
Sunday try not to get too badly pepper-sprayed or tear-gassed... take in a Broadway action?
Monday ...? whatever everyone else is doing I guess...
Tuesday check out the scene; maybe take pictures; come on back up to the MA.
So what are everyone else's plans? I can't wait to see yas! For now, I gotsta pack...
Stealing the souls of children
3 years ago